Lets make the world brighter together

Perks of a CSCE member

  • A platform for industry professionals to maintain connections and engage with fellow colleagues.
  • Access to a variety of informative events, including conferences, seminars, lecture tours, and workshops, all at discounted rates for members.
  • Members receive up-to-date trade publications covering the latest advancements in the civil engineering field.
  • Membership aids in career development and staying competitive in the dynamic civil engineering profession.
  • CSCE members can join any local chapter/section. Potential members can contact us.

Membership with Calgary section

CSCE Calgary membership

  • CSCE Calgary section is a recognised local section for the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE).
  • The section has been diligently engaged in creating a comprehensive program that includes various disciplines and projects of significance to civil engineers in the Calgary and Southern Alberta regions.
  • The section presents unique and informative technical presentations, site visits, symposiums and workshops in partnership with other technical societies throughout the year.
  • The section also organised student-centric events with the help of two student chapters (University of Calgary and Southern Alberta Institute of Technology).

How to become a CSCE member